Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Trusting God's Plan

So if you have ever been around my mom and sister during one of Chandler's baseball will catch on pretty quick to two things.
1. They lecture me a lot (and Chan we really have two moms how fun).
2. They plan.

Now when I say they plan I don't mean what we're going to have for supper that night or discuss what we're all doing that weekend. They plan events months and months in advance also expecting me to remember all of this and schedule it in my mind. LOL okay. 

Okay okay, I'm not saying that I don't plan things. I'm a firm day by day planner. It drives me crazy if I don't have my complete day planned out in the morning because I just really like to know what I'm doing.

I also like to really be in control of my life. I like to think about my career and where I'll be at in 10 years and when I'm going to be able to afford to buy a Jeep Wrangler. You know, important stuff.

However, this is something I have really been trying to work on.

I mean, no matter how much I WANT something, it's all going to come down to if it is in God's plan for me. And this is scary for me to think. It's not like I can just get God on the line and be all, "Hey, man. So can you just tell me real quick like if I'm finally in the major that you want me in?". 

I'm big on facts. I like knowing if something is good or bad, right or wrong, ect. So when it comes to planning my future, trusting in God is seriously really hard for me. I know that He knows best, but how am I supposed to figure out what He wants me to do?

This semester in Prayer Group through Phi Lamb I have done a lot of soul searching and praying about what my purpose is in life. I think it has something to do with serving. God has put me in so many positions throughout my life to serve others and that is what makes me truly happy. 

I don't think I'll ever actually know what God's plan for me is. Maybe this makes me a bad listener, I don't know. I've been told that I tend to slightly interrupt others on the rare occasion so maybe I should work on that before I really give a good listen to what the Big Guy has to say. 

I believe that God knows my heart though. And he knows me better than I know myself. No matter where I go in life I know that His plan will always find a way to overcome my stubborn self and He will take control. And that's pretty neat, really. 

The fam. We're so cool.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Caring For Columbia

So Saturday was a fun day.

Mizzou does this super neat thing called Caring for Columbia. A TON of organizations took part in this. Phi Lamb did too. And we had a great time serving our community.

Originally Phi Lamb was all supposed to serve at Boys and Girls Club. However, after a strange mix-up, they had to cut down a lot on the volunteers at that site, causing our sorority to have to split up. After we got divided out, our group went and served for Cleaning up Columbia.

These are my beautiful sisters that I got to serve with. 

We spent our morning picking up trash along the side of one of the roads in Columbia. Although it wasn't playing with kids like we had originally planned, it was still a great opportunity. God had other plans to use us in a different way and we went with it.

It was definitely an adventure. Emma, Alli, and Courtney were playing the role of my mom telling me where I was and wasn't allowed to walk with my knee. I played the role of rebellious teenager and didn't listen to them as well as I should have. 

They were so impressed with my ability to pick up trash that they gave me A FREE CAR. Kidding. But if anybody lost their car keys they can be picked up at the lost and found....AKA the dump in a trash bag. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Emma found a skull. We stuck this bad boy on a stick on the side of the road because what else do you do with a skull? 

Alli walked down a giant hill with me so I didn't kill myself to see the creek. What a pal. Oh and the vests really bring out our eyes, don't ya think? 

The cleaning really didn't take a whole lot of time considering how many people we had with us. There were a lot more people in our group besides our Phi Lamb gals. 

It really was amazing to see how many Mizzou students wanted to give back and help make our community that much better. 

Oh and our chancellor, AKA my best friend AKA the coolest guy in Columbia, gave a speech. Made my day. He's so great. Apparently I have a slight obsession with him. Whatever. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spirit Lead Me

So the month of April is all about focusing on building my relationship with Christ. I know a lot of my posts have been pretty goofy, but this one and most of the ones this month will probably be a little more serious. But I mean, I am me, so obviously I'm only capable of a certain level of seriousness. Here goes.

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert in the Christianity department. I make too many mistakes to count and can maybe name 5 Bible verses off the top of my head. I'm just sharing how I am working to strengthen my relationship with Him. 

I was raised in a Christian home and have defined myself as a Christian for as long as I can remember. However, college has been the time that I have really started to feel a personal relationship with Christ. 

Specifically this semester. And it rocks my socks off. 

Joining Phi Lamb last spring I was hoping to gain a bunch of friends who were Christians and were easy to get along with. Well, clearly my expectations were reached....and passed by a mile. At first I was overwhelmed by how much these girls loved Christ. I mean, I thought I was a Christian, but I quickly realized just how much I was truly missing out on. 

So for the past year I just kinda did my own thing thinking that all of a sudden one day I would have this really cool relationship with Him like everybody else. Well, really no such luck. I mean don't get me wrong, my faith has become so much stronger just by submerging myself into this sorority. And it's been pretty sweet.

Anyways, every semester we do this neat thing called Prayer Group where you meet with a small group of girls and, well, pray for stuff. 

Well this semester my Prayer Group leader is my friend, Linnea. Shout out to her because this gal is pretty tight with Jesus. And she's taught me a lot in the short time that I've known her. At the beginning of the semester she asked us to come up with a spiritual goal that we would like to work on. I chose to have a better personal prayer life in hopes of developing a better relationship with Him. 

This started off pretty rocky for me. Mainly because if you know me, it's pretty clear that my attention span isn't too spectacular. These are some of my attempted fails:

1. Quiet time. LOL. Okay. I should have known this one wasn't going to work. It lasted a whole 3 minutes before my mind had wandered and I found myself just wandering around my bedroom throwing a ball. Fail.

2. Writing in a journal. Yeah, not so great either. I kept up with it for about a week before I decided that it wasn't quite my style. I should have known this just from my past as a kid trying to keep a diary. I've never made it past like 5 entries. 

There are a few other ones but those were the two epic fails. All of the others ended up resulting in me ultimately getting distracted and not successfully building a relationship with Him.

Then one day Linnea prompted me to try and spend time with God while I ran or did something that I got enjoyment from. This made sense to me, so I decided to give it a try. 

Coming from a small town, I have always loved being in the outdoors and observing how beautiful the scenery is. One day I decided to take a little drive by myself on some back roads and just chill with God while surrounded with His beautiful creations. DING DING DING. This one worked! And it was neat. 

Now don't call me a hippy, but all of God's creations are just so amazing and beautiful. To me, when I see them and think about how awesome our God is for creating them, I'm just in awe. Whether it's just looking at the sun set, or taking a walk on a trail, or seeing the mountains, or driving back roads, His creations are everywhere. And that's where I feel His presence the most. 

So mission accomplished. I've finally found something that allows me to focus on Him and build a better relationship. And I'm pleased to say it's working. :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Break 2014!

As my friends took of for PCB and Destin, I hopped on a plane to Pennsylvania. For my Happiness Project one of my main goals is to do the unexpected. Well, I would say going to a town smaller than Centralia is definitely unexpected. And I loved it.

I spent the week with this cool kid and his parents. Chase moved away to Pennsylvania from Centralia after 8th grade. So he showed me around where he spent his high school years. 

He took me to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon (yes it's a thing and yes it's gorgeous). I guess you could say canyons are kinda my thing considering I went to the Grand Canyon last year on spring break too. So if any of y'all know of more canyons that are just dying to be viewed, hook a sista up. 

Just like most of God's amazing creations, pictures really just don't do it justice. 

Everywhere we went was an insane view. I didn't take pictures just because it wasn't the same as actually seeing it. I can only imagine how breathtaking everything is in the summer and fall. 

Chase was an excellent photographer. He even made sure my crutches weren't in any of the pictures. Thanks, man. 

Speaking of crutches, I would highly recommend never getting hurt before you plan on travelling. And if you do, I recommend not thinking that you can make it all the way across Detroit's airport by yourself. Holy smokes if you can learn one thing from my mistake just agree to have someone push you in a wheelchair. Your pride isn't worth it. Unless you're wanting to get a killer arm workout in and be drenched in sweat by the time you reach your terminal. Then totally go for it. 

Oh and sorry, fellas. Met a man up in PA. He's perfect. Never talks. Great listener. True love, man. LOL okay I'm done. (Clarification: this is a statue and a complete joke. My wonderful cousin texted me asking if I actually found a boyfriend. LOL no.)

We also went to a restaurant in town where Mrs. Barnes said that it was necessary for me to try my first real Cheese Steak. The waiter taught me how to order one properly (one wit wiz). And it was delicious.  

Oh and obviously I'm super attractive when I eat. Another reason why my PA boyfriend is perfect. No judgement. HAHA okay I'm really done now.

We went and saw Divergent and Noah while I was up there. They were both fantastic movies! I found it odd that a town smaller than Centralia had their own movie theater. Step up your game, C-Town. Come on. 

Fun fact: I absolutely love museums. I don't care if it is a museum of priceless art or a museum of dirt, seeing some sort of history in person is so fascinating. And, it makes me HAPPY. So when Mrs. Barnes said that we were going to go to the Corning Museum of Glass my interest was captured.

And the museum was awesome. Literally every type of glass you can imagine. Eye glasses, science equipment, glass art, blown glass, glass artifacts, and even a little exhibit from good old MIZZOU was at this museum. It was absolutely fabulous and I loved every second. 

Here's a ton of pictures that I took:

 Just some science stuff.....because I love science and science is cool.

 These two pictures were part of the Mizzou exhibit. The second one is the slab of glass talked about in the first one. Pretty neat. Go Mizzou!
 Alright so this says Hedwig and Hedwig is the owl in Harry Potter and it's the cup shown and apparently it turned liquid into wine so basically it's magic and Hogwarts must be real.
 Cool chess set. But I don't know how to play chess.
 This looked neat.
 So did this.
 This was hanging from the ceiling and was really pretty.
 Shout out to Chase for pushing me in a wheelchair so I didn't have to walk on crutches through the museum. He's the best.

 Glass flowers. If they weren't glass I would have brought a sunflower back for Alli. Sorry Alli. Thought that counts? 
 This was cool, too.
Chase, Mrs. Barnes and I had a grand old time.

All in all I had an outstanding spring break. Would it have been cool to chill on the beach in Florida in the beautiful weather? Yeah, sure. But how often do you get to try new food, see a canyon, go to an amazing glass museum, spend time with great company, AND really cherish some of God's beautiful scenery? I'm happy I chose to go to Pennsylvania. 

Oh, and it would have been pretty hard to use crutches in the sand.