Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why Sigma Phi Lambda?

When I think of my "college happiness", sure, I think of friends, late nights, taco bell, etc. However, when it comes down to it, one of my main sources of happiness has been from the amazing sorority I joined a year ago, Sigma Phi Lambda Sisters for the Lord.
Phi Lamb is filled with amazing women who love God and want to spend time serving Him while hanging out with other like-minded women. And obviously having a great time while doing it. 
We enjoy dancing, props, taking group pictures, and laughing. Xi class. 

Building a better relationship with God is something that I have been working on, but I can't do it alone. Phi Lamb is awesome in this aspect because there are so many fantastic women here who are even better role models. 

When I first heard about Phi Lamb I was so nervous about being able to fit in with everybody based on things I heard about sororities, because, let's face it, I'm a little awkward. However, my doubts were quickly put to ease because I have never felt so much love from a group of girls, ever. And turns out my thoughts on sororities were completely false. At least with this one.

And guess what, I met some pretty spectacular people. 

When I first started looking at colleges to attend, Mizzou was not where I wanted to be at all. It was too close to home and I wanted to get away. However, I believe God wanted me at Mizzou for the sole purpose of joining Phi Lamb. 

I'm really not one for getting all sentimental, but this organization has truly changed my life and I will forever be grateful for that. I can't imagine having attended a different university because I don't know where I would be without Phi Lamb. After a year of growing in my relationship with Christ, I know I have a long ways to go, but with these cool kids by my side it makes the journey a little easier.

These girls are amazing and I have found my home at Mizzou along with some of my best friends, bringing true happiness.

***If you're a girl at Mizzou and are looking for your "home" on this giant campus, we have one more night of rush tomorrow (Friday) at 6:00 pm in Leadership Auditorium which is upstairs in the Student Center!***

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