Monday, June 2, 2014

Cookin' With Chlo...Round 2

Soooo....this post is a little late. Considering it happened like two weeks ago. Buuuut, it is just too classic of an evening in the life of Andi Blackwell for me to not share.

Also it's super funny because Chloe is this "super great cook who runs the kitchen and never messes up and everybody wants her to cook for her and I'm laughing at what I'm about to write about because it goes against everything I just said".

So here goes:

It was an ordinary Wednesday evening for Chloe and I while we were hanging out. We decided that eating and watching Scandal would be our exciting event for the night. You know, we decided to switch things up and try something crazy.

Well I found this super delicious idea on Twitter from a Pinterest account. It was called a cookie bowl. A COOKIE BOWL. And you are supposed to put ice cream inside of it. Like, get in my belly....NOW.

I mean honestly, who doesn't want a slice of that Heaven? If you say you don't then you are a liar and I just can't trust you anymore.

So I tweeted the link to Chloe and we planned to make these a week later. And to be honest, I thought about these bad boys for that whole week. And I'm still thinking about them. To this day. Right now. Okay I need one.


So Wednesday night gets here and like any normal night of cooking with Chloe, I'm kicked out of the kitchen before the cooking even begins. Apparently I get in the way and don't exactly know what I'm doing. Oh, and she just really hates to share a kitchen. She's going to be one of those real nice wife ladies.

So Chloe tells me to just go start watching Scandal while she makes the cookie dough and she'll call me into the kitchen for the fun part once it's ready.

So going into this process, we had visions like this dancing in our heads:

Just beautiful.

So Chloe FINALLY calls me into the kitchen after taking her sweet, precious time creating an egg substitute since we didn't have any eggs. Apparently that makes you some kinda chef. Whatever.

This was my huge contribution to this project. Yeah, I really love cookie dough. That should have been obvious.

So we begin the process of molding these delicious pieces of art.

We decided to play it safe and only make three bowls to start out with. You know, JUST IN CASE they didn't go exactly according to plan. That way we would have some cookie dough left to use.


So it's about time to put these little treasures into the oven and here comes a direct quote from THE Master Chef Chloe. "These really could use a bit more flour. Oh well, they'll be fine."




We were watching some Scandal while they were cooking, and I smelled something burning. I don't have very good eyesight, and I can't hear very well, but by God I've got the snout of a police canine.

So after I suspiciously smell the burning for a minute or two I turn to Chlo and say, "Hey, you smell that burning? Think it's okay?" And she's all, "Yeah, I smell it, let's give it like five more minutes."

So we return to our show. Hellooooo, huge mistake.

A few minutes later the burning smell is getting quite strong, so we decide it is time to investigate. Our friend Amber was there too and had been sitting watching TV in the living room the whole time. I don't know how she handled the burning smell without saying anything.

So we open the oven.....and this is what happens....

Hasta la vista any hopes of having a cookie bowl that night....

Does the disaster stop there? OH NO.

So these little trouble makers decided to drip onto the bottom of the oven. Well when Chloe closed the oven door after removing them, it continued to smell like something was burning really bad. So I told her to open the oven again.

"FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at her. She thought I was yanking her chain. LOL because I wasn't. She opened the door, yelled, and closed it again.

My brains kicked in and I told her that the fire won't actually put out itself and we need to actually do something. So she opened the door again. And obviously my first reaction was to have my camera ready....because what would have been a smarter decision?

There she blows.

Well, at this point Chloe asks me what we're supposed to do. I'm just laughing. Thank God for Amber being there because she took over and extinguished the flames.

What a champ knowing how to save lives and whatnot.

At the end of the day what did we have? Crushed dreams, burnt cookie bowls, an extremely smoky apartment, and our lives. I guess living and having a standing apartment are still decent outcomes.

But look at how sad we were. How can you not want to cry for our devastating loss?

I still need a cookie bowl. Now taking applications for better cookie bowl chefs. Sorry, Chlo.

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