Wednesday, December 31, 2014

That's A Wrap!

2 0 1 4 ladies and gentlemen.

This year has been one crazy roller-coaster and I have loved every bit of it. Okay maybe there were some days that weren't so great. But for the most part, 2014 has been amazing.

For those of you who have stuck around and decided to read this little blog thing of mine, you know what my Happiness Project has been like. I'd recommend for anybody and everybody to do this project. Happiness isn't a destination, it's a way to live. This project helped me get rid of the negative in my life and step out of my comfort zone. For once, I focused on truly living each day and not just moving through the motions. This isn't something that is done. I have made changes to my life that I am going to continue to work on and love.

This post might be a little lengthy because I'm going to do a little recap. AKA - this is your out if you really don't care to read about my life this past year. 

January - This time last year I was starting my blog and Happiness Project. I learned a lot about how I have no patience when it comes to technology. I had to accept that I don't always know what I'm doing. And my computer had to live in fear for about two weeks because I threatened to throw it out the window multiple times each day. I also started out my year with a life-changing experience when I went to La Mision, Mexico to Door of Faith Orphanage. The days I spent there I felt more happiness than I think I have ever felt. It was truly amazing. 

February - This month for my Happiness Project I was supposed to cook more, work out more, and drink more water. I was doing really great until I decided to play soccer in March. Dumb. But I'm finally back at the working out and I really don't drink that much soda anymore. Apparently when you drink more water you just feel better. Nifty.

March - I decided to focus on school and become more worldly this month. I made a pact that I wouldn't skip class and guess what....I think I missed 3 classes last spring. WINNING. This semester I skipped 6 classes. This was partially because I wasn't able to skip any more than I did. But hey, I was in class and paying attention for the most part so I think I stuck with that pact. And then I broke my shin/knee/whatever really happened. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T PLAY SOCCER WHEN YOU GROW UP IN CENTRALIA. Rookie mistake. I still blame Emma. She knows it, too. She announced it multiple times at Phi Lamb functions. I wore my knee brace all the time until September. I still wear it if I'm going on a long run. I got really tired of people asking me what I did to my knee because I was in the dang brace for so long that I started telling people it was a shark bite. I got a lot of weird looks but it made it so I didn't have to explain the long story. That's a win for me.

April - April was a cool month because I really focused on building my relationship with Christ. And it turned out pretty awesome. God is so cool and I'm truly lucky that he loves me for all that I am and still accepts me when I'm pretty terrible and a sinner. Over spring break I went to Pennsylvania to hang with Chase and his family. They were awesome hosts and it was a wonderful time. I participated in Caring for Columbia with Phi Lamb and we picked up trash from the side of a road. Emma found a skull and that was cool. We had a game where the first person to find some meth would win. Nobody won. I suppose that's a good thing. 

May - This month I focused on not using my phone as much when I am with people while out in public. I'm still working on this but I have definitely made some progress! My brother graduated high school! And he turned 18. Mom gave him a sock and declared him to be a partially free elf. He's still her baby/favorite so let's be real....he'll never be free. Poor Dobby...I mean Chan. Also I took a dive in a dumpster this month to retrieve a perfectly good golf bag. Not my proudest moment. Ask Chan where the bag is now....he's left it outside his apartment all semester. It's ruined. Whatever.

June - June was really pretty boring. I spent a lot of time at home and working. I lived alone at my apartment over the summer because Rach ditched me so I watched a lot of Netflix. Not complaining about that though. But really that's about it. I was a little lazy...whatever.

July - This month I decided to pursue a passion. I decided that my brain doesn't function with just one hobby. I'm just all over the place. So that's when I came up with my bucket list plan. Pretty much this is a bucket list that will take place until I'm 30 and I'll complete one item each month. SUPER EXCITING. And the highlight of my year.....
STEVEN AND I BECAME BLACKWELL FAMILY OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS. It was so awesome and we just want to thank all of the little people out there who supported us along the way. AKA grandma and grandpa because I think they were the only ones who never made fun of us for coming in second place. Either way...the trophy is ours until we pass it on this summer.

August - I focused on doing the unexpected this month. I entered a bikini contest and won the preliminary round and then went back for a weekend trip that was completely paid for. So that was cool. I learned that the model life is not for me. That weekend was exhausting. I also turned 21 this month. so that was neat. 

September - September was a pretty crazy month. We had Phi Lamb recruitment. It was my last recruitment which was kinda sad. Of course I didn't know that at the time. But I'm sad thinking about it now. Darn. Anyways...I got to see Jane Goodall speak at Mizzou. That was amazing. She is so inspiring. Then Chan, Alec and myself went to the Rams vs Cowboys game like we will continue to do each year because it's tradition. Steven got us to go down on the sideline before the game. IT WAS EPIC. We were so close and we stood right near Jerry Jones! LEGENDARY. Annnnd....COWBOYS WON. It was a wonderful day. Oh and then I ended up going to the hospital that next week because my lungs suck and asthma is the worst. I've been good since, though!

October - Life started getting crazy right around here because of school. This semester was seriously the worst. I had no free and anatomy was terrible. I made it out alive though with all A's and one B+ in my anatomy lab! That was super rewarding because all of the hard work I put in paid off. I also found out that I was going to study abroad this month. And that was really uplifting and exciting. I leave January 17th and HOLY SMOKES I AM SO EXCITED. 

November - When I created this project I put November as my month to focus on being positive and having a good attitude. This couldn't have came at a better time because with school I really needed to focus on that. Thanksgiving was an excellent break to be with family and recharge to finish out my year strong! Oh and I took a road trip to a little place called Atlanta for the SEC Championship. It was great even though the outcome isn't what we had hoped for. We made some pretty great memories.

December - And now, for this month. School ended on a good note. I'm about to leave the country on an amazing adventure and experience. I also had to say goodbye a lot. Goodbyes aren't the end though, I've come to realize. I went alumnae in Sigma Phi Lambda which was a really hard choice. I have loved my time in this organization SO MUCH. It helped me grow as a person and I met my best friends here. I'm forever grateful for this sorority. I had to say goodbye to friends who will be graduating in May and I won't see them after. At the end of the day though, I know I am extremely lucky to have such amazing memories that make saying see you later so sad.

At the end of the day, this year has changed me for the better. I realize the more important things in life and I'm happy. I've let go and moved on. I have amazing friends and family. I attend a wonderful university. I have opportunities ahead of me that are going to mold me into the person God wants me to become. 

Happy New Year, everybody. Be safe tonight and enjoy. Cheers to a new year with new opportunities. 

Thank you for sticking with me through the longest project I have ever stuck with and completed. Thank you for supporting me. The blog won't stop here though...Manchester, here I come!

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