Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

First of all, shout out to all the super rad moms out there. You guys rock and deserve more than one day a year to be celebrated.

Second, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the wonderful mothers in my life. Grandmas, aunts, cousins, friends, all of you. I'm blessed to have you in my life and today is a day to celebrate YOU. I love you all.

Third, my wonderful mom. You're the


You have taken over every roll in our family (quite flawlessly) and with no (okay maybe a few) complaints. Remember when we were younger and you said we were going to send you to the loony bin? LOL sorry.

To this day I still don't know how you have done it. Where most families have two parents to split activities and commitments, you did it all. Very rarely did you miss anything for the three of us. Between baseball, volleyball, cross country, basketball (3 separate teams), summer softball, football, track, FFA (I know how much you enjoyed those events), choir concerts, driving us around, and so much more, I honestly am amazed.

At the time all of these events were happening I selfishly didn't think anything of it. It's just the way we were used to things. Just looking at that list gives me a headache and you took everything like a champ. I ran those cross country meets, I know how awful they were (especially when it rained). You didn't know much about FFA, but you sat through an entire day of Ag Issues presentations at state just to watch my team. Countless summers filled with baseball and softball tournaments. During the school year you juggled three kids all in different sports and only missed something of ours to go to somebody else's game.

No wonder you used to get mad at me when I would wake you up from a nap to ask you a question.

Sometimes I get annoyed when you are constantly worrying about whatever it is I'm doing. But I understand why you do it and I am happy that you care.

You support me no matter what, even when I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.

You pretend to be okay with my crazy gap year ideas before grad school.

You put up with Chan and Alex, and let's face it, they're ridiculous and I'm really your favorite.

You flew all the way to England to spend a week with me (and I guess see some cool places, too).

You have moved me, Alex and Chan in and out of apartments a ridiculous amount of times.

You do it all.

You are truly so great and we are lucky that God decided to pick you to be our mother. I know dad is thankful for you and proud of you. We're lucky to have such a great guardian angel watching over us.

Thank you for being you and I'm sorry that I can't be home this year. But I promise you'll be tired of me by the time I move back to Columbia in August.

See you in 40 days! I love you.

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