Monday, August 25, 2014

That Bikini Bod Life

First things first I want to thank God for my fast metabolism. Seriously. The Big Man has really blessed me and I'm actually thankful for it. With my knee injury I have lost the ability to exercise for the past five and a half months but was still able to go do this contest and be confident. 

Okay, story time. PS - I can't post any pictures in the blog because apparently technology is going to hate me for my entire life and my new phone keeps getting denied by my computer and I don't know how to fix it and it's been a long day and I don't care anymore.

So it's Friday.

I didn't want to go.

I had a really bad headache and nobody I knew was going to be there that night and I didn't want to drive to the lake.

But I got out of bed and went anyways. 

So I show up to Shady Gators and have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm supposed to be. So I stood there awkwardly outside of the bar like the awkward person I am. 

Finally I was directed to the correct location INSIDE of the bar and met up with the group. We filled out some paperwork then literally sat around until like 10:00. 

Then we did a preview thing where we walked in two circles in a swim suit on the stage and the announcer told everybody to come back the next night for the competition. Then we walked off the stage and left to go to our hotel.

Also, the cool thing was that it was all paid for. So I enjoyed that. And I got a bunch of free stuff like shirts and stuff.

I shared a condo with three super cool girls. Two of them actually live in Columbia so I'll most likely see them again. We all stayed up pretty late just chatting. Then I realized how early we had to get up the next morning and I went to bed. 

If you know me then you know that the two things I require to keep me the chill cucumber that I am are food and sleep. I was deprived of both of those this weekend. I deserve a gold medal for keeping my composure both days.

Then it's Saturday. The big day.

We left our condo at about 8:30 for Shady Gators on a shuttle. 

When we got there we started the photo shoot. This lasted like three million hours. 

Also if you know me then you know that I'm really not good at taking a serious picture. I like taking silly/dumb pictures so much more. 

Okay so I'm being a little dramatic. The photo shoot was actually a lot of fun, just super exhausting. And my face hurt from smiling so much. But it was a really cool opportunity that I probably won't get again. Like, it was a real life photo shoot where I wore three different swim suits. How many people can say that they have been able to do that in their lifetime? (If you're a model and/or have actually done this in your life then I am not including you in the previous question.) Anyways, we took a ton of group shots and then I was able to take some individual pictures. Super cool.

After the photo shoot WE GOT TO EAT LUNCH. I was starving. I had a BLT and fries. Most people ordered some type of salad and I just didn't understand them. 

Following lunch, we rehearsed for the actual contest that night. That entailed a lot of me standing there pretending like I was listening to the instructions then just following the girls in front of me. I know, I know, me not paying attention is really shocking for a lot of you to wrap your minds around. Chloe would be the most shocked out of everybody probably. 

So then we got to do my FAVORITE part of the day.

We rode on a yacht. 

To the boat races.

Then rode around all of the people and threw stuff out to them.

GUYS. I was on a yacht. I was practically a celebrity. 

But actually being kinda serious because I think 700 people took pictures of us. I don't like to think about that thought because it's kinda creepy. But whatever. 

But the yacht really was my favorite part of the day. I didn't have much fun at the competition. It was super hot and too spaced out. But I'll get to that part, quit getting ahead of me. 

Then the boat took us back and we took the shuttle back to the condos to get ready for the competition.

SATURDAY NIGHT COMPETITION: Spoiler alert - I didn't place.

So we get there around 9:00 fully dressed in our cocktail dresses ready for round 1. We did the first round at around 10:15 or so. We walked in two circles, walked off, walked back on stage one at a time, walked off, everybody walked in one more circle, stopped, then walked off. I used so much brain power I didn't even know how to handle it...... Lol.

Then we went back to the dressing room, changed into our swim suits, and waited for another hour.

Round two. We all walked in two circles, walked off, walked back on stage one at a time AND answered an interview question, walked off, everybody walked in one more circle, stopped, then walked off. The interview question for everybody was just a question about themselves that described them in some way. Not a big deal. World peace. Applause. You know. 

Then we just waited for like 10 hours in a room to the side of the stage for the results. Let's just say at this point in the night I was HANGRY. Like, it was bad. Also, I thought I was going to pass out from being so hungry. I'm not dramatic.

Finally we all lined up to walk back on the stage for the results. This is when the most classic Andi moment happened.

So I've been in heels like all night. And I had no food. And I wasn't wearing my brace. I was weak. 

I'm about to walk down the two steps on live tv, ANNNNND, I trip. The lady who runs the competition reached out and I grabbed her arm before I face planted. And I looked into the camera and walked away laughing. 

So then we stand in a line and the top 6 girls get announced and I honestly was super happy for them. And I was happy for myself that the day was finally over and I could take my makeup off and go back to Columbia and sleep in my own bed.

All in all it was a fantastic experience. I'm really truly happy that I did it. Also it's my August bucket list item and also was totally unexpected. I'm proud of myself for doing it. 

Now for a few well deserved shout-outs for this whole experience:
Grant - for yelling that I was the best at the prelims and making everybody mad around him for being so obnoxious and also for catching me a t-shirt
Hannah - for having to be Grant's girlfriend during that experience and then for literally finding all the stuff I needed for the competition because let's face it I wouldn't have had clothes to wear if it wasn't for you
Sug- for cheering me on at prelims and being awake to laugh at me when I told you about me tripping on live tv during finals
Rach - you're just my bro and you were at prelims too cheering for me and well yeah thx, man
Reid - YOU THE MAN. You taught me everything I know, Coach. Unfortunately I didn't "shake it" like you wanted me too and you'll probably yell at me for that when/if you decide to be cool and hang out with us tonight
Chloe and Baylee - you came shopping with me and helped pick out my swimsuit and who knows what I would have picked if I would have been by myself....yikes
Mom and Anna - Thanks for coming to watch me on Saturday and getting a group of guys on a bachelor party to cheer for me too. And then for driving me back to Columbia so I could sleep in my own bed. You both rock. 

So that's it. Now I get to go back to being just Andi who loves pizza and wearing Nike shorts and t-shirts. 

And last but not least....

What is the one most important thing or society needs? Harsher punishment for parole violators, obviously. Oh, and world peace.

Peace out. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes people get sick. Sometimes people have ALS.

Don't know what ALS is? Go to

This website tells you everything you need to know about ALS. If you want to know specific definitions then go to

Feeling kinda lazy and not wanting to go and do the research? Don't worry, happens to me all the time when it comes to school. Basically, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) is a neurodegenerative disease that affects a person's nerve cells in their brain and spinal cord. And it's a progressive disease, which means it continues to get worse. 

There are so many terrible diseases in this world that don't have cures, and ALS is one of them. 

Before the Ice Bucket Challenge took over social media, how many people actually knew what ALS was or even took the time to look it up? No shame, it's just not a common disease that people really pay attention to. 

But you know what's really cool? The Ice Bucket Challenge. Yesterday, I was nominated for the challenge by my cousin, and I decided to accept it. Now, I would be lying if before I was nominated I said that I wasn't one of the classic people saying how the challenge was everywhere and taking over social media. I also had negative thoughts about how it would be much more beneficial to just donate money rather than pouring a bucket of ice water over your head. 

However, I accepted the challenge for my super cool Uncle Bill, who unfortunately has ALS. Then when I got home I did some research on how the Ice Bucket Challenge was actually helping the cause. And it just makes me so happy.

Take a look at that link. It gives some amazing information.

During this time period last year, $1.9 million was donated to ALS research. So far during this time period of the Ice Bucket Challenge this year, there has been $31.5 million in donations to ALS research. THAT IS AMAZING, GUYS. 

Yes, to find cures to any disease you must have money. However, you must also have awareness. Before the Ice Bucket Challenge, ALS wasn't a disease that people talked about. Now that's all anybody is talking about. It doesn't matter if that person is talking about ALS saying how annoying the Ice Bucket Challenge is or if they are talking about ALS saying how happy they are for the sudden increase in awareness. That person is talking. 

All through high school we were always doing fundraisers for breast cancer. We continue to have Pink Panther night during basketball season that always raises so much money and is always such a success. However, even though we had so many donations and supporters for our event, I never once gave a donation during that time period. I always wore the pink shirts and my pink socks and played with that pink basketball, but I never donated money. Even though I was participating in the events held, I still wasn't donating. But I still think that is okay because I was spreading awareness along with my fellow teammates. 

Now what I don't understand is how I thought that this Ice Bucket Challenge was any different. I was one of the people saying it would make more sense to just donate. However, I believe now that I was wrong. Granted, I still think that donating money is a key part and everybody should do it. 

Besides the fact that these videos have taken over your social media accounts and for a short time we won't be able to complain about so and so's political rant, or too many baby pictures, or constant drama, we're spreading awareness. 

So maybe instead of retweeting that tweet making fun of the challenge or talking bad about it to your friends, we should all try and educate ourselves and have a change of heart like I did for this cool movement. I mean, this is making history, guys. In 20 years we'll be able to look back on this and realize how much of a difference we have made. 

So this month for me is about doing the unexpected. Well I nominate all of you to do the unexpected and do some research on ALS. And next time you want to question somebody for their motives regarding the challenge, just be happy that one more person might learn what ALS is. And remember all of the people fighting this terrible disease each day.

We love you, Uncle Bill!

Throwback to a long long time ago during the days of Baby Sara. (Really only the Blackwell family will probably get the Baby Sara reference, but by golly she's always good for a few laughs.)

You can make a donation here to help find a cure for this awful disease.

Friday, August 15, 2014

That's Unexpected Alright

So if you know me in the slightest, you know that I stick with things that I'm comfortable with. 

Sure, if an opportunity presents itself for an adventure that is new and exciting I'd totally jump on it. But you know, I like my daily routines to be pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

It isn't that I don't enjoy doing the unexpected or going on random adventures. I totally love it. I just generally don't go out of my way to do it. 

For example, growing up near Columbia you would assume that I have gone to most places for food and fun here, right? Wrong. People who move here from out of state know more places here than I do. It's not that I don't want to try new places, I just don't. When I go to a restaurant it would be a safe bet to assume that I'm not going to try something that I haven't had there before. It's just what I do.


August I am supposed to focus on trying new things and doing the unexpected for my Happiness Project. Well by golly am I in the process of doing the unexpected right now. 

Also if you know me, you would understand how I am around people. I'm very outgoing and can talk to a brick wall, but I'm not about to really try and force a bunch of random attention on myself. I'm just usually as chill as a cucumber.

So my start to this crazy story happened a few weeks ago at the lake.

I went with some friends to get supper at Shady Gator's when I was approached by two girls asking me to sign up for their swim suit contest. LOL.

Literally. LOL. That was my initial response. Like, whatever dudes. You don't know who you're talking to. I'm super awkward. 

Well after some persuasion and me thinking about the rules to my Happiness Project, I agreed. And it was ridiculous. And I could go on for days about how crazy and totally unlike me it was. However, it was actually kinda fun.

But maybe I only found it fun because I won and got $100 for it. So you know, winning helps. 

So it continues with them inviting me back for finals. And I said that I could maybe come back but we'll see.

Well GUESS WHAT. The grand prize is $3,000. Sooooo....uhhhhh....yeah I said yes. And I talked to the lady in charge of finals yesterday. 

And DOUBLE GUESS WHAT. This finals shindig is way more intense than I was/am prepared for. Like, GUYZ, this is insane. 

It's next weekend. Both Friday and Saturday. I have to go to a whole bunch of things. It's on tv. I have to do a little photo shoot. I have to ride around on a boat. I have to dress up in a nice dress one evening. And of course I have to do another swim suit contest thing. 

Like, HOLY GUACAMOLE. If this isn't doing the unexpected then I don't know what is. 

Everybody say a small prayer that I can contain my insanely awkward and weird self for two days.