Monday, January 27, 2014

Cookin' With Chlo

So you know how every friend group has the "mom" of the group? Yeah, mine is this girl. Throwin' it back to high school.
This is Chloe and she's a cool "mom". We've been friends since we were wee little things and one time I took a nap at her house and woke up to her staring at me while eating chocolate chips. She's creepy. But I love her. So obviously she's part of my happiness project.

Anyways, jumping ahead to February, I'm going to try and be healthier and also learn how to cook.

*Side note: Learning how to cook includes all things, not just healthy food because in this post we made homemade cinnamon rolls, not healthy but oh so delicious.*

I'm a terrible cook. Mainly because I don't pay attention to one thing for very long. One time last year Chloe and I made cookies and I was in charge of taking them out but forgot and I took a shower. The cookies got a little well done and apparently they weren't edible.

Chlo can cook. So she doesn't know this yet, but she's going to teach me this next month/semester. And she can't say no because saying no would mean she would want me to fail at my happiness project and that would be unhappy.

We started the night of baking homemade cinnamon rolls with her yelling at me saying she was going to kick me out of the kitchen if I didn't focus. She said I wasn't allowed to talk to our other friends or watch the TV. It's like she thinks she knows me or something. Bossy little thing.

We mixed all the ingredients together and let the dough rise. She let me do a lot of the work, too! (If you don't know Chlo, you need to know that the kitchen is her zone and she does not like other people helping.)
We rolled the dough out and added all the good stuff like cinnamon, butter and sugar then rolled the whole thing. It was a pretty tedious process.
And then it was time to bake these delicious treats. Yum.

Also, like the super fit ladies we are, while the dough was rising we worked out because we are productive. We did Insanity. LOL. Laughing because we were terrible at it.
And then they were finished! We really made them because we are good friends and it was a surprise for Anthony's birthday. You know, just spreading that HAPPINESS. :)
They were delicious. So good. Like, you should make some because wow. Anyways, Chloe was a good teacher and she didn't even have to yell at me once. However, it could be a long month/semester because we both know how well we get along in a kitchen. She's such a good mom. :)

I feel like learning how to cook will really benefit my happiness because it's kind of a crucial life skill to have. And apparently someday when I have a family I may be expected to make something more elaborate than Ramen. But hey, I make some mean Ramen. 

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